Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookies!

When Easter Rolls around I bake. I found this awesome jar and it was crying out to be filled up with cookies! I usually bake cakes but this batch turned out so good! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Market and Parnell

The other night myself and a few other friends went out and shot some photos. It was freezing cold and I wore three pairs of socks, gloves, hat and a scarf. Here are some of my favourite picks.

Father and Daughter moment



Sunday, April 17, 2011


I went tramping this weekend! It was an epic adventure. We even lugged the camera along so I will post the photos soon!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Inspiration: Bill Cinningham

Yesterday after much encouragement from my cousin Isaac I went to see the Bill Cunningham New York movie and I was blown away by his honesty, modesty and passion for photography. He is constantly working day and night; on the streets in New York, at runway shows and at glitzy fashion events. I always feel self conscious about photographing strangers but he has it down to a fine art.

Grey Lynn Park Festival 2010 
I took this photo last year and it is one of my favs. I am constantly looking at the way people dress. I would love to take photos of people on the street! I just have to be brave enough.

Monday, April 11, 2011


I was at Grey Lynn Park the other night taking photos with my good friend Misha. Playing on swings was my childhood obsession. Maybe thats why I love swinging trapeze so much. 

photos by Misha